Journal History

Jurnal Smart Paud has obtained accreditation status, made changes to the website, and changes to article templates in recent times including:

1. The first Jurnal Smart Paud accreditation was at the sinta 5 rank from volume 1 number 1 in 2018 to volume 2 number 2 in 2019.

2. In 2020, the Jurnal Smart Paud was re-accredited, and received a sinta 3 rating from Volume 3 Number 1 in 2020 to Volume 7 number 2 in 2024.

3. Jurnal Smart Paud migrates OJS from OJS 2 to OJS 3 in 2022

4. The old website of the Jurnal Smart Paud can be accessed via the url: and only publishes articles from volume 1 number 1, January 2018 to Volume 5 number 1, January 2022.

5. The new website of Jurnal Smart Paud is the current website and starts publishing articles Volmue 5 number 2, July 2022 until now

6. In volume 6 number 1, January 2023 edition, the Jurnal Smart Paud underwent a change in article templates such as the article templates listed on this website page.

7. In volume 7 number 2, July 2024 Edition, Jurnal Smart Paud began to enforce articles in English.